Trimming and Pruning of Trees and Shrubs

Tree trimming benefits



Tree trimming can be done as a grooming process to maintain a certain design. For instance, when you are growing a tree in your yard for ornamental purposes, it may be necessary to trim the end of the limbs to keep the trees appearance even and rounded. Tree trimming can also be done to thin out the tree. The thinning of the trees structure is also done by pruning dead branches or diseased limbs. Branches that straggle away from the crown should also be pruned or even cut back to a larger branch or the main trunk for safety purposes.

Do it yourself? not!!



While you may save some money by trimming your own trees, this could be a hazardous process if you are not trained. Old trees and large limbs are especially difficult to work with when they cannot be supported using one hand. In addition, choosing the wrong tools may damage the trees and may work against you. It could also be hazardous to do any tree work when the tree is adjacent to an electrical line.You may be able to trim a small tree on your own but it’s smart to leave any difficult trimming or pruning to a Shamrock Tree Service Professional. Give us a call for advise on tree trimming and shrub pruning.